Reading Comprehension Detailed Syllabus
What is the English Section For CLAT All About?
The CLAT reading comprehension section measures your ability to read and understand complex materials. The section consists of four to five passages, each followed by a set of questions. You will have 28 - 32 question overall.
The passages will be based on one or more of the following:
- A judicial opinion
- A law review article
- A legal memo
- A letter or email
- Standardised Text from the Liberal Arts
- An Opinion etc. etc.
You will be asked a variety of questions about the passages, including:
- Main idea questions
- Inference questions
- Detail questions
- Application questions
To answer the questions, you will need to:
- Read and comprehend the passages
- Identify the relevant information
- Analyze the argument
- Draw logical conclusions
CLAT English / Reading Comprehension Format
Reading comprehension is the ability to understand and draw meaning from a piece of written text. This can involve anything from being able to identify the main idea of a passage to being able to make inferences about the author's intentions. The CLAT tests you on this section extensively.
The reading comprehension section of the test measures your ability to read and understand passages of text. The questions on this section will test your ability to find main ideas, make inferences, and understand vocabulary. Having really good reading skills is definitely going to take you places in you CLAT journey. Make reading a habit if it already isn't =).. Do it to crack CLAT atleast!!!
Check out the sectional mark allocation below:
No. Of Questions
Max Marks |
This is approximately 20% of the exam
Types of questions
The passages are approximately 450 words long with 4 - 5 accompanying questions that will evaluate your ability to read, assimilate and analyse text.
The following are the types of questions associated with the CLAT reading comprehension section
Main idea
Stated information
Inferrences to be made
Vocabulary/phrases in context
Organization and Title
Author’s attitude / Tone / Style
Source of Passages
The Reading Comprehension passages can be from:
Editorial and Opinion: The Editorial or Opinion pages of any major Indian or Internation Daily newspaper, such as the The Hindu, The Indian Express, The Economics Times, New York Times, The Economist, The Wall Street Journal etc.
Law, Politics, and Economics: Magazines such as Legal Affairs, Bar and Bench, Indian Law Review
History: The Journal of Indian History, International Affairs
Science: Magazines such as Scientific American, Popular Science and Indian Science Journals
These can include editorials featured in any Indian National Daily Newspaper. Generally, these are extracted from academic journals and the purpose is to challenge your intuitive understanding of a topic or a context.
Here's a list of topics where CLAT English Comprehension Passages are extracted from..
Architecture Anthropology Art Archaeology Dance Economics Ethics
Education Literature Geography Music History Philosophy
Linguistics Popular Culture Political Science Religion
Population Psychology
Theater Sociology
Other Focus Areas For the CLAT English Section
*These may not appear in the CLAT exam directly, but applications are often asked. If you want to be a great reader, having good grammar and a good vocabulary is a must. So here's some other stuff that you'd like to review if you want that great CLAT rank =)
- Spelling
- Analogies
- Sentence completion
- Grammar
- Article Subject - Verb Agreement
- Singular & Plural
- The Apostrophe
- Pronouns Modifiers
- Conditionals
- Prepositions
- correlative Conjunctions
- Verb
- Tenses
- Parallelism
Collective Nouns Phobias
Same Sounding Words Idioms Phrasal Verbs
Spellings Foreign Words & Phrases
Sentence Completion